64. How to stop judging yourself and turn your idea into reality, with Betsy O'Brien

Season #1

Betsy "Bets" O'Brien cold DM'ed me months ago asking for advice on how to start her podcast. We met up for a blind friend date at a local coffee shop, and at the time, all she had was an idea...

Cut to 6 months later, Bets has consistently recorded and shared her podcast The Bets Life, growing a loyal listener base and talking about everything that affects Millenial women; from fashion to polycystic ovary syndrome (we both have it!).

In this conversation, we're talking about how to build a personal brand that is authentic to you while still being "professional," how to stop judging yourself when you're a beginner, and how to have the confidence you need to turn your ideas into a reality.

Betsy's blog "The Bets Life" (along with links to her social and podcast) can be found and followed at: https://thebetslife.com/

As always, you can find me at http://www.kelseyformost.com

or on Instagram at: http://www.instagram.com/kelsey.writes



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