59. When to hire help (even on a shoestring budget)

Season #1

Listen to hear 2 BIG updates & 1 exciting REVEAL!

I'll be real with y'all - I debated just quietly hitting publish on some pre-recorded episodes without recording or releasing this one...but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how hugely important it is to continue to talk about ALL the 'behind the scenes' stuff - even when that stuff is hard to talk about.

Here's the thing: My business - and my income - looks vastly different right now than it did when I had a huge corporate tech client in 2022, and as such, my hiring budget changed.

This episode goes over how I've been re-building my business and brand since quitting my big money (BIGGER headache) client, as well as how I made the decision to HIRE HELP this week, even though I'm on a tight budget.

Listen, I take issue with the many entrepreneurs who make it LOOK like they have a big budget and team when really they're barely scraping by. This narrative invites unhealthy comparison, and even feelings of shame. NOT IN MY CORNER OF THE INTERNET.

As always, we talk about what it TRULY looks like to build your own business, to create that freedom for ourselves, to craft our own definition of "success".

If you're interested in joining the BYOB (Build Your Own Business) MEMBERSHIP, learn more here: http://www.kelseyformost.com/membership

To inquire about 1:1 copywriting services: http://www.kelseyformost.com/services Or come hang out with me on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/kelsey.writes

Thanks for being here, Magic Maker! If you got something from this show, please consider leaving a positive review...all my love, Kelsey


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