56. I hired a biz coach & learned these 5 (hard) lessons

Season #1

Hiring an expert (someone who has already gotten to where you want to go) is THE fastest shortcut to success! That's why (after 3 months of healing from deep burnout) I bit the bullet and hired a (very expensive but, so far, worth it) business coach to guide me into a sustainable business in 2023.

These are the 5 lessons I learned in our first strategy calls (listen for the full advice!)...

1. Hybrid programs (Course + Support + Done-For-You option) are the future.

2. Look at your numbers, often. Change course if needed.

3. Don't quit your podcast (even if you *just* looked at your numbers and it's expensive, haha)

4. Build recurring revenue into your offerings

5. Plan ahead for (probably inevitable) burnout


Also mentioned in this episode: COPY CLASS IS OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT!

If you want to discover how to use copywriting formulas, tricks, and strategies to write your own high-converting copy (and never get stuck staring at the blinking cursor of death), head to: http://www.kelseyformost.com/copyclass


Connect with me:


[email protected]



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