55. The end of the "Girlboss" façade & the rise of TRUE success w/CEO Whitney Eckis

Season #1

When you look at Whitney Eckis you see someone who "has it all"; a successful marketing agency with HUGE clients like Marriot Hotels, Red Bull, Soul Cycle, a top-rated podcast, and a hemp infused coffee brand so popular it just got into Urban Outfitters.

What you don't see- like so many of us entrepreneurs - is her story of burnout, anxiety, and depression that got her there.

Whitney joins me on Find Your Magic to talk about the REAL sh*t...

She gives A+ branding advice (like, the kind she gives to multi-million $ global brands)

She talks about her therapy journey and the particulars of how she healed her body's nervous system 

She talks about the rejection of "Girlboss" #hustle culture in favor of fulfillment and grounded goals

It's all in here and it's all MAGIC.


Connect with Whitney:


@whitneyeckis and @getsupr on all social platforms


Kelsey on Whitney's podcast "Under The Influence":



Connect with Kelsey:




PS: My signature course Copy Class is re-opening for enrollment NEXT WEEK (this time in an ENTIRELY new format that I'm so excited to reveal!) Click here to be alerted when doors open (and get early bird bonuses - wink wink!)



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