20. How to make your website work for you in the background with SEO; Avoiding burnout with web designer (& new mom!) Rebekah Read

Season #1

Did you know you already have a kickass assistant who's ready & willing to work for you, attract and qualify leads, and get paying customers for you 24/7? Meet: your website. (This episode is definitely for you if you're feeling burnt out and could use some help taking the pressure off)

My guest today is small business web designer (and new momma!) Rebekah Read. Bekah finds joy in the process of discovering the person behind the brand and making them feel known. Her goal and deepest desire is to be her client's biggest cheerleader in their craft and provide them with a community of supporters.

I wanted Rebekah on my podcast not only because she is a fantastic person, but also because she approaches web design by helping her clients feel truly and deeply seen (the same way I approach copywriting!). She never wants anyone to feel the overwhelm of having to DIY everything.

She is an amazing designer (*couch-cough* she actually designed my current website!) and she offers tons of incredible educational resources. One of my favorite freebies that she offers is an SEO checklist- it's truly amazing!!

In this episode, we talk about the guilt and anxiety that creatives may have with a service-based business. We also dive into how to build a work process that builds your cup, so you can leave room for creativity and rest since that is the only way you will put your best self out into the world.

Every business has a deep meaning behind why it is starting, and Rebekah loves finding that reason and bringing it to life on a website. If you need a new website or are SO over your current website, Rebekah shares some tips of what to do, what to avoid, and things to remember.

If you ever feel like you are not enough, create a note on your phone with all the compliments your clients have given you. This is so common and makes it much easier to remind yourself that YOU are enough! There will be times in your business where you want to give up, but giving ourselves strategies to power through and stay positive will help us in the long run!


Connect with Rebekah:

Rebekah’s Website: https://rebekahreadcreative.com/

Rebekah’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rebekahreadcreative/

Rebekah’s Freebies: https://rebekahreadcreative.com/freebies/

Rebekah’s SEO Checklist:  https://rebekahreadcreative.com/seo



Kelsey’s Website: http://www.kelseyformost.com

Kelsey’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/keformost

Kelsey’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kelsey.writes/

Kelsey’s Courses: https://kelseyformost.com/courses


Original Themesong composed by Jules Grant https://www.instagram.com/j.u.l.e.s.g.r.a.n.t/

Produced by Hayleigh Hayhurst https://www.espressopodcastproduction.com/


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